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Entrepreneur stories Podcast🎧

🎧 Iværksætterhistorier Podcast: "Fragtpriserne har været vanvittigt høje og jeg har haft så mange udfordringer!"

"Shipping prices have been crazy high and I've had so many challenges!" 

In this episode you will hear the story of Manelleh told by Maria Book. At Manelleh they sell interiors, accessories and gifts that are handmade by women. The purpose of the business is to make a difference for women around the world.

Maria is driven by passion and as they say; passion goes a long way, because when she opened her business she didn't know what awaited her. She had absolutely no experience with buying and developing products that had to be transported from Asia to Denmark. She opened the business during corona and has subsequently had to deal with war, inflation and rising interest rates. And she also describes online marketing as one big jungle. But despite that, Maria is optimistic and her spirits are high 📈

Hear Manelleh's story right here - podcasts🎧.